
Supporting communities living in areas affected by high level of poverty in South Lebanon through enhancing individual livelihoods and community investments


Supporting communities living in areas affected by high level of poverty in South Lebanon through enhancing individual livelihoods and community investments

Danish International Development Agency
Ministry of foreign affairs of Denmark
Zones cibles

South of Lebanon - Saida

Target group 1: Taamir community

Target group 2: Primary healthcare center and individuals that are provided services by the center.

Target group 3: vulnerable individuals from old Saida in need of livelihood opportunities

Public cible

Direct Beneficiaries are residents of Taamir area estimated at 5,000 HHs (5,000*4.65[1]) totaling 23,400 individuals with a 50% gender balance.

The targeted Primary healthcare center is the People Relief Primary Healthcare Center in Saida. The PHC benefits around 1,200 individuals per month. Thus benefiting 2,400 individuals during the project implementation duration.

The total direct beneficiaries are 30 participants from the cash-for-work initiative. As for indirect beneficiaries, they are the Households of the participants estimated at 4.65 members per HH. Which is a total of 140 individuals

Objectif global

Contribute to enhancing the living environment and livelihood of individuals residing in poverty induced areas in Saida that are particularly affected by the Lebanese multi-layered crisis.

Objectif spécifique

Improve access to basic services for individuals residing in poverty-induced areas that are particularly affected by the Lebanese multi-layered crisis.
